Me…hmm…I am recently been at the receiving end of unwelcome comments.
Of course...on our blogs we have the option to refuse to publish anonymous comments and some blogs have a word verification.
I've tried all these myself but find it much more blog-friendly to just allow comments as and when they are posted by the reader.
Just like most other people...I get the occasional unwelcome comments but I just keep them. As we should have tendency to face negative comments too..hmmm....
I've experienced bitterness of course...but 99.9% of the time I receive support and encouragement.
Comments are an important part of writing a blog in my opinion;
a)they give the author feedback,
b)they acknowledge a post;
c)they offer support and understanding in difficult circumstances.
I am grateful for each and every one of the comments left on this blog.
I value all of them...hmm...
But I think there are two separate people who like to leave distasteful and offensive remarks in every blog comments section.
Most people who do this usually call themselves "Anonymous"....or come with new user name but these comments were from actual people of whom you could link back to their site.
When I tried to confront one of the recent (offensive) comment maker on her own blog....she denied all knowledge of the hurtful things she had said.
I'm not sure what I find most pathetic....hurting someone’s feelings....or lying.
Both incredibly rude...hmm...and...both immensely unnecessary.
Why do people waste their time leaving offensive comments?
Can't someone be opinionated and disagreeable without causing irritation and resentment?
Is it really necessary for someone to visit a blog they clearly don't enjoy....only to leave the author a derogatory remark?
Most of the blogs I visit are filled with supportive readership...polite conversation....friendship and a united front.
I fear I have touched a nerve somewhere....perhaps stirred an emotion once buried.
But believe me...hmm...bitterness and spite get us nowhere in life.