بہترین ترجمہ کی تعریف، بہترین الفاظ میں ہمیشہ یہی کی جاتی ہے کہ ’’یہ ترجمہ
نہیں لگتا۔۔۔‘‘ بہترین مترجم وہی ہے جو اپنے ترجمہ میں خود کہیں دکھائی نہیں
2 months ago
I always thought of myself a house. I always what I lived in. It did'nt need to be big. It did'nt even need to be beautiful. It just needed to be MINE. I become what I was meant to be. I built myself a life. I built myself a HOUSE.
Life is in the hands of God. Your thoughts have no power to take it to any direction. Good thoughts do satisfy your heart and make you peaceful but they can never lead your life to the right direction. If it was the case then everyone in this world would have been thinking perfectly positive and everyone's life would have been prefect!