Tuesday, December 20, 2011

All my Friends are Superheroes.

I have just heard (not read it) about the book by Andrew Kaufman about a normal person in a world full of superheroes.

In the book all the characters have some super power which they never used and didn't know that they posses any super power.

On one level....I think...“All My Friends Are Superheroes” is a charming love story. Where a person who does not posses any special ability surrounded by superheroes who love him and care about him.

But on the other hand it’s really funny where a world full of people with dubious super powers rather than saving the world with evil-doers....these plain clothed superheroes often have regular jobs and can find no real use for their special abilities.

And when they visited by a normal person who not only acknowledge their super powers but also describe them how they can use it to protect and to serve their country and got them thinking.

And thus this got me thinking too...hmm....

And I thought...I am that normal person who does not posses any special power or have no special ability...hmm...yet I am surrounded with friends...all of them containing some special power in them...

And if I am to acknowledge what would be the superpower of my friends?

Just suppose for a while that all of you…my friends…comrades…have some special abilities which you have not yet discovered and if I ask you to simply stop for a while and think about yourself…

I leave this to you of course although I am tempted to suggest your super power myself…but this is not how the story goes…so you have to find it out yourself…hmmm

Also…do let me know what you find out by commenting me or emailing me...whatever is convenient..hmm....

But there is a rule too…once you find out your super ability you have to use it frequently and freely for the betterment of world and survival of humanity.

Thanks for reading.

Perhaps…this will be my last blog posting this year...so...have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Home made Spells

hmm....greetings from…hmmm…me !

Thought I'll share with you guys this little 'spell' that a friend taught me !

He had a friend who had been single for quite some time and 'at that old age???…wow'... anyways…back to the topic.

So…he advised him to throw an orange into a river on the last day of the year 2010.

hmm....yes...he did!

He then met that girl and one year to the date that he threw the orange…he married…hmm….

hmmm... how romantic....

So…I reckon this might just work (no..no…not for me…but for my single friends) !

All of these little spells originated from somewhere - once upon a time anyway.

Therefore…find a river….throw in your orange... - and you might just find yourself a mate in a year's time :)

Oh by the way my friend advised that if you're a girl....throw an apple!

Also…don't be greedy - hmm....one fruit per person please!

We can then develop a whole new tourist attraction setting up little shops selling oranges and apples by River Sindh being the nearest one to Karachi.

For those of you with no access to rivers…I will ask my software geek type of a friend to develop a software where we could do this online – so…...hmm...will let you know once we have set up a virtual ritual instead….

Well good luck friends!

I think it's worth a try…

For those of you who are intending to try…do let me know if it works :-)…..

Because this SPELL just came out from my very mouth today…hmmm…for desperate someone and find it the best way to get rid of him.

ahhh….me and my HOME MADE SPELLS….hmmm....

Sunday, December 4, 2011


" There are no walls around me...hmmm"

I wrote it in my diary first day after my marriage.

It took me only few days to realize that now there are other kind of walls...mainly invisible walls.

Only I need to learn about their presence....respect their sovereignty...abide by their rules...

I could not neglect them....trespass them...I could not disregard them.

This meant not only learning their(my In-Laws) life style but also mastering the verbal and non-verbal codes of interaction....the styles of communication.

Many times unaware of these walls I asked the 'wrong' question....
volunteered an unappropriated answer...
looked too closely when I suppose not to 'see'...
listened too intently when I was assumed not to 'hear'...hmmm....

Heaven knows how often I talked when I should have kept silent and how frequently I should have talked but remained mute ...producing nothing but silence...long... embarrassing silence.

And thus I stumble over these walls....so many times...and my stumbling always open my eyes....and it hurts.

For so many times I felt outside the circle...out of place...dislocated...dislodged.

I felt suspended....between my past and my present...hmm..

Different cultural experiences...values...dreams...nightmares...has caused a disturbing disruption in my identity....

I lived surrounded by a past that was breaking up around me with violent rapidity.

I looked every way around me for a sense of familiarity...of belonging and reunion...

I want something solid to hold on to...and thus I stopped running in two directions at once...

I tried to learn the new ways...get myself familiarized with preset...

In these years...I have finally master how to negotiate the unfamiliar...new...invisible walls...

In short...I again...hmm...have surrendered my Freedom.

Why should I stop, why?
The birds have gone off to find water ways
the horizon is vertical and moving is rocketing.
Shining planets spin
at the edge of sight.
Why should I stop, why?